moving on.

its almost two years i'm bearing this service number. however a part of me feels that it was just yesterday that i made that huge decision in my life.
recently a friend had just ended his two years service for the nation. and i could identify what exactly he was going through; uncertainty.
i recall the june of 2009 where i was frantically trying to push myself into the working industry securing myself a job. the numerous interviews.
and the fall of the lehman brothers seriously made it worst for a fresh grad like me then, especially with only a mere diploma on my back.

so i took the easy path. a path of familiarity and comfort.
and two years passing by, i've been where i was since then.

thus, i hinted to my friend to not repeat the mistake that i made. but i guess its all up to him.

two years of 12hours shift works. inconsistent sleeping time. all the battlescars carved onto my limbs will only bring bittersweet memories and nothing but memories. not even a recognisable working experience. a routinal seven hundred and twenty minutes being in the blue and hours of unproductive late night activities with colleagues; coz no else will be free to waste their time in the wee hours of a midweek.

but then it took me so long to realise. perhaps it was mere lack of self confidence and comfort to move on.

end note(s) :

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